Windlidar module for wind measurements up to a distance of 10km.
Whether it is a customised special fabrication or a new type of laser, Abacus Laser is there to meet any challenge.
We participate in the most exciting development and research projects, such as “WindRamp”.
Abacus Laser provides lidar modules for remote wind measuring.
Abacus Laser specialises in the development of tailored customer-specific solutions in the areas of laser, optical remote sensing and optical measuring technology.
Here you can see a nice recent measurement: Measurements of wind speed over Göttingen at night and in the morning. The measurement is in the …
Abacus Laser GmbH
Hannah-Vogt-Str. 1 37085 Göttingen Germany
Phone: +49 (0)551 503 6530-0 E-Mail: